I have a reflexive tendency to defend the institution of higher learning located smack-dab in the middle of my hometown. It makes sense, I suppose, as the school has had a great deal of influence on my life. That’s what schools do, even if you don’t actually attend them.
This reflexive defense might be surprising to anyone who knows the name of my hometown. I grew up in Wheaton, Illinois, in the shadow of Wheaton College. Yes, that Wheaton College, the school synonymous with Billy Graham, the Harvard of Christian colleges.[1]
My relationship, such as it is, with Wheaton College is complicated. There was actually a time I thought I would attend the school. While that never actually happened there was also a long stretch where most of my friends were Wheaton College students. When I was in junior high and high school most of the adult leaders of my youth group were Wheaton College kids, as my church was just a couple blocks from the school. As such, Wheaton College runs deep in my personal history.
I also remember driving through the edges of the Wheaton College campus in the summer months in my old 1979 Cadillac blasting Soundgarden’s “Ty Cobb” out of the car’s crappy speakers. In my not-at-all-rebellious (or particularly creative, I suppose) high school mind I imagined the repetition of, “Hard headed fuck you all,” in front of the school’s renowned conservatory a scandalous act. I don’t know if that says more about my opinion of scandal or my opinion of Wheaton College’s general tendency towards stuffiness and control, however. Maybe it’s a little of both.
Right after I moved back from Texas the city of Wheaton held its first annual[2] Alefest, an actual, honest-to-god celebration of liquid heaven right on Front Street downtown. I walked through the Wheaton College campus to get to Alefest. I walked back past the front of the Billy Graham center a few hours later, still buzzed. I ran in to some friends I used to go to church with and we discussed our surprise at the lack of visible protest from the stuffed-shirt establishment types. They might not have been scandalized by Chris Cornell’s barely-discernible repetition of the f-word, but they most certainly were scandalized by the city’s decision to host a debauched celebration of alcohol. But no one stopped me, coming or going. No one told me I was hellbound for drinking the Devil’s drink, even on the Wheaton College campus itself.
I was amused enough at the juxtaposition to mention it on Facebook, but it didn’t seem an act of rebellion so much as a step of inevitability.
A decade ago – back in that twilight period after I graduated from high school but before I went off to Western Illinois – Wheaton College lifted its ban on dancing. A few weeks before the official news broke a few of my friends had snuck off and gone dancing in a small act of rebellion. It was serious rebellion, however, since they could have been kicked out of school for breaking faith with the Statement of Responsibilities if they’d been caught. Under the new Community Covenant, however, they could have held a dance in the college President’s living room and slapped video up on YouTube without getting in trouble. Y’know, if YouTube existed at the time. And if they didn’t get slapped with trespassing charges.
At the same time the school lifted its ban on the use of alcohol and tobacco by the faculty and grad students. That move was mostly because the state of Illinois had laws against pulling that sort of shit. But while the latter changes were mandated by the state, the bit about dancing was a gratuitous addition to the freedom of the entire student body.[3]
One day a risk, the next day a right.
I used the word “gratuitous” up there for a reason. I come from Wheaton, Illinois. That means I come from a place that speaks the language of grace and acceptance. Love and forgiveness are spoken of in the churches and the halls of the school of my hometown. The words roll off tongues and pass through ears with an effortlessness that belies the fact that that discussion of love and grace and acceptance and forgiveness is, all too often, a lie.
My friends who went dancing risked getting caught for their transgressions and kicked out of school. The risk, I suppose, was low, but it was a risk nonetheless. For a school that supposedly follows the teaching of a man who preached forgiveness and grace, Wheaton College can be remarkably unforgiving and graceless. I’ve always known that, though. I’ve also always known that there were good people at Wheaton College who would buck the trends.
Of course, some things are bigger than dancing. Some trends are harder to fight against and come with a much greater cost.
I kind of paid attention back in 2006 when a group called Soulforce went to Wheaton to try to force the school to talk about homosexuality. At the time I was out at Western Illinois undergoing my own crisis of faith. Basically, though, a collection of LGBTQ Christians and their allies showed up on campus and said, “Hey, what’s up?” Wheaton College used the opportunity to set up a dialogue and then kind of let the whole thing pass, at least as far as I was aware. Again, I was kinda busy with my own thing at the time.
Still, it was impressive that they were willing to talk. But the thing about Soulforce is that it was an outside group. Outside groups can be ignored. Outside groups can be turned in to the Other if need be. Outside groups can be accused of not being “the right kind of Christian.” They can, in short, be dismissed by those on the inside.
There was a new development almost exactly five years after Soulforce showed up on campus. I totally missed it, since I was in Texas at the time. I kind of wish I’d been paying attention at the time, though.
In April of last year a collection of former Wheaton College students circulated a letter in response to the college’s teaching on homosexuality. They stood outside of chapel and handed the letter to the Wheaton College students as they were leaving.[4] In order to do so they had to out themselves, either as gay or an ally of gay people.
The group is called OneWheaton. They have a website. The people who have signed on have put their names and their graduating classes out on the internet for all to see.
This isn’t an insignificant move. Doing that sort of thing as a Wheaton College alum carries a risk of future stigma. Doing that sort of thing as a Wheaton College alum carries the risk of immediate stigma.
I found the list on Monday morning and skimmed it, hoping to see the names of people I knew. My disappointment slowly grew as I scrolled farther down the list and didn’t find any names I recognized. Then I realized something else and my disappointment eased.
Take a look at the list. Start at the top and scroll down. See if you notice the same thing I noticed.
It happens around 1995 on the list. That’s “Wheaton College graduating class of 1995,” for the record. Notice how around the mid-‘90s the frequency of names appearing in successive years picks up, then really takes off some time in the middle of the 2000s?
Those Wheaton College alums from the mid-‘90s were the age of the adult leaders that worked with me when I was a junior higher and high schooler. Those Wheaton college alums from the early- to mid-2000s were the age of my friends, including my friends who snuck out to go dancing. They are, in short, my colleagues, my cohort. And there are a lot of them on that OneWheaton list.[5]
They also list their major. A lot of those majors are theological in nature. Some of the signatories are pastors. That means there are Christians out there who are saying, “I studied theology at Wheaton College. I am a pastor. I am gay/I support gay people.”
Meanwhile, the last half-dozen people on that list are from the classes of 2012 and 2013. That means they haven’t graduated yet. That means they’re putting themselves in a position to be seen as violating this part of the Community Covenant:
By contrast, Scripture condemns the following:
[...]sexual immorality, such as the use of pornography (Matt. 5:27-28), pre-marital sex, adultery, homosexual behavior and all other sexual relations outside the bounds of marriage between a man and woman (Rom. 1:21-27; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; Gen. 2:24; Eph. 5:31).[6]
That might be a bit braver than going somewhere off campus and dancing.
Meanwhile, I looked up some reactions to, y’know, stuff...
Here’s an account of the OneWheaton Homecoming from the Wheaton Patch, Wheaton’s local newspaper. It’s remarkably humanizing.
Blog post from a Wheaton student. This is what happens when humanity gets in front of dogma.
There’s this pre-OneWheaton, post-Soulforce post by an actual gay guy who actually attended Wheaton College.
These accounts matter, especially in the Evangelical tradition from which I have extricated myself. As Fred pointed out last week, the personal testimony matters, so sometimes the best way to create change is to put stories outside of the standard Evangelical narrative in front of Evangelicals. I have a bit of experience with that myself, and I can tell you that it won’t change things overnight. There are some things it might not change at all.
Sometimes, however, the seed does not fall on the road or by the wayside, but instead lands on the fertile soil and delivers a bountiful harvest. The brave folks who signed their names to the OneWheaton letter are preparing that soil.
[1]Yes, I know this is something of a redundant statement, given Harvard’s history. But Wheaton College is the Ivy League of specifically parochial institutions of higher learning in America. That’s just how it works.
[2]Maybe. It got good reviews, so, hey…
[3]There’s a major issue of community mores here, too. My parents were (really super low level) competitive ice dancers in the years before I was born. They’ve been ballroom dancing since forever. My sister and I were not allowed to tell anyone at church that my parents danced. My parents, who were married to each other. They didn’t even fucking go to Wheaton College, just the church right down the street in the middle of Wheaton, Illinois and all of its crazy Evangelical-ness.
[4]This is also a thing that matters. The anonymously circulated letter is a big deal in certain Wheaton circles. It’s a cowardly action taken by people who are too weak to say what they mean and want, but still want to stir up trouble. One such letter got the pastor at my church canned. I was in junior high at the time and my mother told me about it. She also told me that she’d refused to be involved, since if you’re going to say something you’d damn well better put your name to it.
I’ve always remembered that and followed that piece of advice…said the guy who writes an anonymous blog in the internet. Um…erm…yeah. Actually, I’m not particularly anonymous, since pretty much anyone who knows me knows how to find my blog and there are several people who originally knew me through my blog who know who I am. I just maintain the Geds thing because I’d rather not make it easy for a quick Google search of my name to hit my blog. It’s more of a “keeping my nose clean in case I need to do a job search”-type thing.
But, seriously, “Geds?” Yeah, that’s a nickname I’ve had since junior high, when a couple friends gave it to me on a church missions trip…
[5]Relatively speaking. The entire list is still significantly smaller than the upcoming graduating class. But it’s growing and it’s out there in the open. It’s not just one voice, but a chorus. That’s significant.
[6]Of course, in order to get from the bit about Scripture condemning things to the paragraph that includes homosexuality, you have to get past this paragraph:
hypocrisy, self-righteousness, and legalism, understood as the imposition of extra-biblical standards of godliness by one person or group upon another (Acts 15:5-11; Matt. 16:6; 23:13-36);
I’d argue that by these standards the folks who wrote the Community Covenant and/or the people who enforce the document ought to be thrown off campus on their asses. It’s basically impossible to write a document such as the Community Covenant without using it to impose extra-biblical standards of godliness on someone else, especially since Wheaton College undergrads are still banned from smoking or drinking, regardless of whether they’re of age. Last I checked, that Jesus fellow drank a bit of wine. Ergo, legalism and extra-biblical standards. Oh, and I'm pretty sure that Jesus was also not big on treating people like subhuman pieces of shit...
-*Geds*, ...I sent several replies to your comments page: ... - * Did Jesus Exist?, Which was censored by "Bruce Gerencser," and that blocked my posting messages.
- Please read carefully and try to translate accurately, essentially following message:
-Matthew 13/34,35; _ 1 Corinthians 14/21 …[Syntesis]:
= *EU SINT m-a trimis la voi* _ Exodul 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012, sa [va] descoper Calea, Lumina si Adevarul -*Taina* _ Apocalipsa 1/1; 10/7, potrivit cu descoperirea tainei care a fost tinuta ascunsa timp de veacuri _ 1 Corinteni 2/7; _ Coloseni 1/26; _ Romania 16/25.
= Eu sint aici, acum in timpul vostru, si [va] zic: -*Iata-Ma!* _ Isaia 52/6 -Moise; 65/1 -*Iata-Ma! Iata-Ma!*; _ Romania 10/20.
=Scripturile au fost si au ramas “pecetluite” _ Daniel 12/4,[9], … *pana la Mine* _ Romania 5/14; _ Ioan 4/[25],26, ...inviat a treia zi _ 2 Petru 3/8, ...ridicat _ Deuteronom 18/15,18; _ Faptele Apostolilor 3/22, pentru implinirea Legii _ Romania 10/4, si Prorociilor _ Matei 5/17, prin *transfigurare* _ Matei 17/[1],2,3,[5], de aceea, ...[implicit neintelegerea *Cartii pecetluite* _ Dan.12/4,9], ...omenirea nu stie *pe cine sa astepte* _ Romania 10/14, …credinta venind in urma “auzirii” Cuvantului Meu _ Romania 10/17, pentru *Cine are urechi de auzit si aude* _ Matei 11/15; _ Luca 8/8; …dar, ...-Nu toti pot primi Cuvantul Acesta _ Matei 19/11; _ Luca 18/8, ...*vorbind in pilde* _ Matei 13/34,35; _ Ioan 1/1,5,11,14; 3/14,16; 10/8,11,14,[16 - prin alte tari _ Romania 10/18].
= Cu stima. -Mesia _ Eu, cel care vorbesc cu tine, sint Acela _ Ioan 4/[25],26, ...Cel fagaduit _ Deuteronom 18/15,18; _ Faptele Apostolilor 3/22; _ Romania 5/14; 10/14,17,[18,20]; _ Isaia 6/[8],9,10-[13]; 9/1,2,6; 52/6 _ Moise -*Iata-Ma!*; _ Isaia 55/1,6-9,11,2012,13; 65/1; _ Ioan 10/8,11,2012,13,14; 5/39; _ Exodul 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012, ...-Va rog sa cititi Cartea _ Daniel 12/4, ...-Se apropie dimineata _ Isaia 21/11,2012.
- If you understand something, please *send to the ends of the world * _ Romania 10/17,18, posts and pages *Mesia*:
- http://mesia-romania5-14-ioan4-26.blogspot.com/
- Sincerely. -Messiah _ Romania 5/14; 10/[14-Moses], 17, [18]; _ Isaiah 52/6- Moses _ *I am Here*; -“All people called” _ Isaiah 55/1,6-9,[10],11,2012; _ Exodus 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012; _ John 4/[25],26.
Posted by: Moise | 04/04/2012 at 02:03 PM
_ 1 Corinthians 14/21 -*Apocalipsa lui Ioan*/ The Revelation of John", ...
= Din pricina *neintelegerii Scripturilor pecetluite* _ Dan.12/4,[9], ...de catre intreaga omenire, implicit de catre cei care *stau pe scaunul Meu* _ Mat.23/1,2, care ”s-au facut ei intre ei” - *invatatori si dascali* in felurite Religii si BISERICI, ...[unii in vesminte cu filacterile late si poale lungi], printre care si cei ce-si zic: -"Indrumatori" _ Is.9/16,- Conducatori, Judecatori, Procurori, "Legiuitori", [etc] _ Mat.23/[4,5,6],7,[8-10], care, neintelegand *Cartea* _ Dan.8/26; 12/4, implicit Cartea *APOCALIPSA lui IOAN*, fiindca: -*au urechi de auzit dar nu aud, si au ochi de vazut dar nu vad* _ Isaia 6/[8],9,10, ...au transmis ideea falsa privitor la intelegerea cuvantului APOCALIPSA ca definind Sfarsitul Vietii / Disparitia PLANETEI.
= Au citit si citesc de mii de ani”, dar nu au priceput _ Isaia 6/9,10, fiind preocupati de *fatarnicie, trai in lux si destrabalare* in contradictie cu prorociile si in contrast cu *traiul norodului*, pentru care impun si cersesc, [de la vaduve si orfani], *danii, daruiri, taxe, zecime, zeciuiala, impozite*, respectiv din partea acelora pe care-i tin in intuneric, *lesne crezatori* _ Romania 16/18; _ Mat.23/13-14, pentru ca nu au priceput ce inseamna *Apocalipsa lui Ioan*.
= APOCALIPSA inseamna ...*DESCOPERIRE / Revelare*, cum e scris -*DESCOPERIREA lui Isus Hristos*, intelegerea cuvantului APOCALIPSA fiind cuprinsa chiar in “definitia din versetul _ Apoc.1/1”, insemnand: DESCOPERIREA / revelarea Adevarului _ Ioan 1/1,5, *aducerea la lumina [zilei a 7-a], fata de intunericul [noptii / dinaintea zilei a 7-a]* _ Isaia 21/11,2012, ...[-vezi _ 2 Petru 1/20] notiunea *SFARSIT* insemnand Sfarsitul Legii, a se intelege “Implinirea / Savarsirea Legii _ Romania 10/4, -adica descoperirea lui Isus Hristos, prin IMPLINIREA Legii in Hristos, *AUZIREA venind prin Cuvantul lui Hristos* _ Romania 10/17, dar omenirea nu Ma credeti _ [Mat.13/57; _ Mar.6/4; _ Ioan 4/44], ...(si) ...pentru ca nu Ma cunoasteti si nu stiti cum sint chemat _ Romania 10/14, ...si, ...pentru ca *nu exista intelegerea Scripturilor, neascultarea de proroci si de Mine _ Luca16/31; _ Faptele Ap.3/22, asa cum este scris,... implicit “neintelegerea prorociilor” despre venirea prin *Schimbare la Fata* _ Mat.17/2,3,[5].
= Schimbarea la Fata _ Mat.17/1, asa cum este scris se va fi produs *dupa 6 zile*,[coroborat _ Is. 21/11,2012], ...adica, ...trebuie inteles, ca *omenirea este in ziua a 6-a / in noaptea spre dimineata / zorii zilei a 7-a, cand Dumnezeu va fi Sfarsit Lucrarea Facerii omului, ..."nu sfarsitul lumii", ...adica, ...urmand ziua de odihna, cum este scris: ...-*Dumnezeu Si-a vazut* Savarsita / implinita / SFARSITA Lucrarea FACERII Omului* -*DUPA CHIPUL Sau* _ Gen.1/27, coroborat(i) cu _ Romania 5/14, acum, fiind abia inceputul _ Ex.3/[13],14, ...coroborat cu _ Is.6/[8],9,10; _ Ex.4/1,[10],11,2012, intrupat _ Ioan 1/1,5,11,14, ...pentru “implinirea* _ Gen.2/1-3, ... asa cum *Dumnezeu A ZIS* _ Gen.1/[26,27],28, toate acestea fiind in concordanta cu prorociile, implicit SFARSITUL Erei ASTRALE -*SOARELE in PESTI*, ...Eu fiind nascut / ridicat / venit din PESTI, ...despre care ‘s-a zis’ ca ...s-ar fi descoperit *o placuta*, continand gravata o stea venind din PESTI / Constelatia PESTI, ...despre care este scris _ Is.9/2; _ Mat.4/16.
- Va rog sa nu va suparati pentru mustrarile implicite in mesajele Mele _ Apocalipsa 3/19.
= Cu stima. -Mesia _ Deuteronom 18/15,18; _ Faptele Apostolilor 3/22; _ Isaia 6/[8],9,10-[13]; 9/1,2,6; 52/6 _ Moise -*Iata-Ma!; _ Romania 5/14; 10/[14],17,[18]; _ Exodul 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012; _ *Toate popoarele chemate* _ Is.55/1,6-9,[10],11,2012; _ Vine dimineata _ Is.21/11,2012; -*Iata-Ma! Iata-Ma!* _ Isaia 65/1; _ Romania 10/20; _ Luca 8/8; 18/8; 16/29,31; _ Ioan 4/[25],26.
Posted by: Moise | 04/04/2012 at 02:11 PM
So...you want me -- a guy who does not read what I'm assuming is Latin -- to go on a wild goose chase to translate a whole bunch of seemingly randomly chosen Bible passages? Why, pray tell, would I go off and do that at the behest of somebody who's just shown up out of nowhere and post on my blog? On a post from two months ago that has nothing to do with the thing that you're claiming brought you here from Bruce's place. I've got things to do, y'know.
Posted by: Geds | 04/04/2012 at 02:11 PM
Don't worry, I got this one.
Moise- It appears to state the following:
"Reluctantly crouched at the starting line. Engines pumping and thumping in time. The green light flashes, the flags go up. Churning and burning they yearn for the cup. They deftly maneuver and muscle for rank. Fuel burning fast on an empty tank. Reckless and wild they pour through the turns. Their prowess is potent and secretly stern. As they speed through the finish the flags go down. The fans get up and they get out of town. The arena is empty except for one man, still driving and striving as fast as he can. The sun has gone down and the moon has come up. And long ago somebody left with the cup. But he's racing and pacing and hugging the turns. And thinking of someone for whom he... still... burns..."
After that it dissolves into some nonsense about a girl with a short skirt and a long jacket who is never there, owing to her rock and roll lifestyle. But that should get you started.
Posted by: The Everlasting Dave | 04/04/2012 at 04:41 PM
Oh, oh! Can I have the next one?
I think it goes something like:
"Jerry was a race car driver. He drove so goddamned fast/ He never did win no checkered flags, but he never did come in last/ Jerry was a race car driver. He'd say 'El solo number one'/ With a Bocephus sticker on his 442, he'd light 'em up just for fun/ Captain Pierce was a fireman, Richmond engine number three/ I'll be a wealthy man when I get a dime for all the things that man taught to me/ Captain Pierce was a strong man, strong as any man alive/ It stuck in his craw that they made him retire at the age of 65..."
After that, it's pretty much more of the same, until Jerry gets drunk and crashes his car into a pole, and a dog eats the nachos that the guy dropped on the sidewalk when some punk kid on a skateboard ran him over.
I don't think it's really supposed to make sense.
Posted by: Janet | 04/04/2012 at 10:43 PM
LMAO. You built on my joke without diluting it. Good on you, Janet!
Posted by: The Everlasting Dave | 04/05/2012 at 02:12 AM
= Do not censor my posts because you can not hide the light _ John 1/1,5,[11],14.
_ 1 Corinthians 14/21; _ Isaiah 6/[8],9,10, ...[ _ 1 Corinthians 14/21]:
_*Era noapte* _ Luca 22/3; _ Ioan 13/27,30, ...Sinteza.
=*Acum*, ...inca, ...este noapte "in Adevar", ...[si / sau, implicit], prin aceea ca "Scripturile sunt pecetluite” _ Daniel 12/4,[9], ...”pana in ziua de Astazi” _ Romania 11/8, ...*pana la Mine* _ Romania 5/14, ...Cel ridicat _ Faptele Apostolilor 3/22; 7/37, ...sa [va] descoper "Calea, Adevarul si Viata" _ Ioan 14/6; _ Apocalipsa 1/1; 10/7, ...*potrivit cu descoperirea tainei* _ 1 Corinteni 2/7; _ Coloseni 1/26; _ Romania 16/25.
=*In aceasta vreme de stramtorare cum n-a mai fost, ...[niciodata] ...* _ Daniel 12/1, ...“am auzit glasul Domnului” _ Isaia 6/8,[9,10]; _ Exodul 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012, ...si zic: ...*Iata-Ma!* _ Isaia 52/6 -Moise; _”Iata-Ma! Iata-Ma!”-65/1; _ Romania 10/20.
=”[Acum] ...-Este noaptea zilei a 7-a _ Facerea 2/2,[3], ...-“este intuneric fata de Adevar" _ Isaia 9/1,2,[6]; _ Isaia 21/ 11, 2012; _ 2 Petru 1/19, ...asa cum este scris ...*era noapte cand Iuda a luat bucatica* _ Ioan 13/30, ...implinind voia Fiului _ Ioan 13 / 26-28; _ Luca 22/3, ...pentru proslavirea Fiului Omului si a lui D-zeu in El _ Ioan 13/31,32, prin invierea ...[a treia zi _ 2 Petru 3/8] _ Matei 17/22,23; 27/63; _ Marcu 8/31; _ Luca 9/22; 18/33; 24/7 ], ...-invierea dintre cei morti _ Romania 5/14; _ Iuda 9, ...”atat de mult a iubit Dumnezeu Lumea _ Ioan 3/16; _ Matei 4/16; _ Isaia 9/1,2,6; 52/6 _ Moise -*Iata-Ma!,* _ Ioan 4/26 ... -*Eu, cel care vorbesc cu tine, sint Acela* ...-Acela fagaduit _ Deuteronom 18/15,18; _ Faptele Apostolilor 3/22; _ Evrei 1/1,[2],{3 -coroborat [_ 2 Petru 1/20] cu Romania 5/14; _ Iuda 9; _ Luca 16/29,31}.
= Cu stima. -Mesia _ Eu, cel care vorbesc cu tine, sint Acela _ Ioan 4/[25],26, ...-Cel fagaduit _ Deuteronom 18/15,18; _ Faptele Apostolilor 3/22; _ Romania 5/14; 10/14,17,[18]; _ Isaia 6/[8],9,10; 9/1,2,6; 52/6 –Moise _ *Iata-Ma!*; 65/1; _ Ioan 10/8,11,2012,13,14,{16 -prin alte tari _ Romania 10/18 _ America, Japonia, China, Rusia, India; _ *Toate popoarele chemate* _ Isaia 55/1,6-9,[10],11,2012 }; _ Exodul 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012.
Posted by: Moise / Mesia / Messiah | 04/05/2012 at 03:10 AM
_ 1 Cornthians 14/21; _ Isaiah 7/14 -*Fecioara este insarcinata* _ Matthew 1/18,21-23 [acum in 2012]; ...[ _ 1 Corinthians 14/21}: ...
-1) = Asa cum este scris, ...“Vorbesc in pilde” _ Matei 13/34,35, ...asa cum este [si] vorbirea prorocilor in Scripturi, ...care inca sint “pecetluite” _ Daniel 12/4,[9], ...pana la Mine _ Romania 5/14, ...Acela fagaduit _ Deuteronom 18/15,18; _ Faptele Apostolilor 3/22;
-2) = Pentru a intelege, mai mult si mai bine, trebuie sa cititi Cartea _ Daniel 12/4, ...si mai mult de atat, ...cei carora le este dat sa primeasca _ Matei 19/11, ...sa [si] cerceteze _ Ioan 5/39, ...fara sa uitati _ 2 Petru 1/20;
-3) = Potrivit _ Matei 6/10: ...”Vie Imparatia Ta; Faca-se voia Ta, precum in Cer asa si pe Pamant”, ...privitor si la semnele vremurilor / venirea Fiului Omului _ Luca 21/7, ..:
_*Pe alocuri vor fi mari cutremure de pamant, foamete si ciume; vor fi aratari inspaimantatoare si semne mari in cer.* _ Luca 21/11;
_*Vor fi semne in soare, in luna si in stele. Si pe pamant va fi stramtorare printre neamuri, care nu vor sti ce sa faca la auzul urletului marii si al valurilor.* _ Luca 21/25.
-{Coroborati insumand si evaluind [cu] toate catastrofele planetare: ...razboaiele provocate si intretinute de cei care se cred "jandarmii planetari", miscarile seismice / cutremurele, inundatiile, incendiile, avalansele, alunecarile de terenuri, ...etc, ...etc, ...incepand cu "tsunami"-ul din martie 2011 din Japonia, care, ...[ca posibil fenomen deosebit], ...a fost previzionat de marele prevazator Simon(a) / *Urania* -vezi “google.ro”}, ...
…care trebuiesc deasemenea coroborate si cu _ Matei 1/18,21-23, ...unde este scris clar: ...-*Iata, Fecioara va fi insarcinata, va naste un fiu, ......* ...ceea ce inseamna [ca] in mod implicit ...despre semnele vremurilor, vorbesc [si] ...Stelele, Astrele, Planetele, cu referire la Constelatia Fecioara in care a intrat Marte [la sfarsitul anului 2011], ...asa cum a previzionat Simon(a) / *Urania*; ...-Toate acestea fiind in concordanta cu: ...-“”Vie Imparatia Ta; Faca-se voia Ta, *precum in Cer, asa si pe Pamant*”” _ Matei 6/10; _ Facerea 1/14-18, ...- “acum” / a treia zi _ 2 Petru 3/8 –mileniul 3, cand am fost inviat dintre cei morti _ Romania 5/14, ..si trimis _ Exodul 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012, ...pentru implinirea Legii _ Romania 10/4 si prorocilor _ Matei 5/17, ...doar ati citit _ Ioan 4/25, ...adica Scripturile vorbesc despre viitor [-nu despre trecut]: ...*Stiu ca are sa vina Mesia; Cand va veni El, are sa ne spuna toate lucrurile*/ [Ceea ce incerc sa fac, pentru cei care au urechi de auzit, si aud _ Luca 8/8, ...-Dar, credeti? _ Luca 18/8]; _ Deuteronom 18/15,18; _ Faptele Apostolilor 3/22; _ Luca 16/29,31.
= Romania 11/8 [inclusiv trimiterile la versete]; -Treziti-va! _ Isaia 6/[8],9,10; 21/11/2012.
= Cu stima. -Mesia _ Nu te mira cum am scris si semnat, -Chiar Eu, cel care vorbesc cu tine, sint Acela _ Ioan 4/[25],26, ...-Cel fagaduit _ Deuteronom 18/15,18; _ Faptele Apostolilor 3/22; _ Romania 5/14; 10/[14],17,[18]; _ Isaia 6/[8],9,10; 9/1,2,6; 52/6 –Moise _ *Iata-Ma!*; _ Isaia 55/1,6-9,[10],11,2012; 65/1; _ Ioan 10/8,11,2012,13,14,[16]; _ Exodul 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012.
Posted by: Moise / Mesia / Messiah | 04/05/2012 at 03:53 AM
_*Historia est composuerunt* _ Isaia 6/[8],9,10-[13]. ...[ _ 1 Corinthians 14/21]:
...sau, prin traducere ...-*Historia este falsificata*, ...[si], mutilata, ...potrivit _ Isaia 6/[8]-13, ..implicit _ Daniel 12/4,[9].
= Subiect implicit: ...-*Un cadou / Cadoul pentru Femeie / de ziua Femeiei / Opt Martie* _ 08.03.2012 _ Luca 9/28-30; _ Ioan 19/26.
= In conformitate cu: ...-*Vie imparatia Ta; Faca-se voia Ta, precum in Cer asa si pe Pamant* _ Matei 6/10, ...asa cum propovaduia / previziona *Urania*: ...-“In urma cu catva timp [in 2012], Marte a intrat in Fecioara, ...[si, in 08 martie 2012], ..Luna este Plina in Fecioara, ...[si], Soarele in Pesti”, ...asa cum este scris, ...[_ Facerea 1/26,27; 2/23; 3/20; _ Romania 10/16], ...adica, in aceasta perioada ..."Fecioara este insarcinata" _ Matei 1/18,21-23.
= Va rog sa nu va grabiti sa ziceti ca ati inteles [inca], ...tot ce zic, pentru ca ...”totul trebuie judecat duhovniceste” _ 1 Corinteni 2/14, ...context in care va rog sa “nu uitati” [ca]: ...- "notiunea" / cuvantul *duhovnicesc* este devalorizat / a ajuns sa fie demonetizat, de catre cei care-si zic "duhovnici", ...[si de alti indrumatori, invatatori –“carturari si farisei –cu diplome”], ...care s-au facut ei intre ei ...[pastori] ...invatatori si dascali _ Matei 23/[1-7],8-10, ...si care, ...necunoscand Scripturile / "Cartea fiind pecetluita" _ Daniel 12/4,9, ...[aceia] inchid oamenilor Imparatia Cerurilor ..._ Matei 23/13,14, ...dar , care nu trebuie sa fie suparati pentru mustrarile Mele _ Apocalipsa 3/19, ...pentru ca trebuie sa inteleaga si ei _ Ioan 16/8,[9,10,11,2012].
= Vorbind in pilde Matei 13/34,35, … [repetitia ajutand la intelegere], ...readuc in “discutie”, ...unele precizari anterioare cu unele "reformulari revelatoare", postate prin diferite "pagini / site", inca din anul 2011 / *Marele An* -cum a fot denumit de Ptolemeu si de catre marele proroc [Simon _ Luca 5/5; _ Ioan 21/3,6] / *Urania*.
= “Corabia plutea pe deasupra apelor ......” _ Facerea 7/18, - [reformulat / revelator]: ...-*Corabia pluteste pe deasupra apelor*, ...[cum? / cand?], ...-“Acum”, ...a treia zi [mileniul 3] _ 2 Petru 3/8, ...[cand, ce?], ...*cand Dumnezeu si-a adus aminte de Noe* _ Gen.8/1,11,2012; _ Isaia 6/8,[9,10]...[pe cine a trimis?] ...”pe singurul lui Fiu” _ Ioan 3/14,[16]; _ Evrei 1/[1],2, ...adica pe cel / primul inviat dintre cei morti [a treia zi _ 2 Petru 3/8] _ Romania 5/14; _ Evrei 1/1,3; ...-*Eu sint [Moise] m-a trimis la voi* _ Exodul 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012.
= Dupa 6 zile _ Matei 17/1,… in noaptea ...{ _ Ioan 13/[27],30}, ...dinaintea diminetii _ Ioan 21/4,5, ...adica, dinaintea zilei a 7-a _ Facerea 1/27,[28]; 2/[1],2, ...”am aruncat mrejile pentru pescuire” _ Luca 5/5,6 ...[cand ...,] ...in corabia lui Simon(a) _ Facerea 1/27], ...era si Ioan _ Matei 4/16 – cum am mai scris, ...care proroceste in pustie, ...-Dar, cati au ascultat, cati au auzit, cati au inteles, si cati povatuiesc si indrumeaza [?!], ...sa asculte "propovaduirile" facute de *Urania* [vezi "google.ro"] _ Matei 11/13.
= “Doi ani intregi ...[2010]...a propovaduit Pavel imparatia lui Dumnezeu, si invata pe oameni......”_ Faptele Apostolilor 28/30,31, ...apoi a urmat “Marele An"-2011, corespunzator trimiterii celor 11 _ Mar.16/14; _ Luca 24/33; _ Ioan 1/1,5,11,14,23,41,42, ... [si] ...care [asa cum previziona *Urania*] ...va duce pestii prin “calvar / golgota” si prin “transfigurare / metamorfoza”, spre mare DESCHIDERE, mare VINDECARE, mare MANTUIRE.
= Apoi [va urma] / urmeaza trimiterea celor 12 _ Matei 10/1-4; _ Marcu 3/13-19; _ Luca 6/13-16, ...pentru proslavirea Fiului omului si a lui Dumnezeu in El _ Ioan 13/23,26,27,30,31,32.
= Cu stima. –Mesia _ Romania 5/14; 10/[14],17,[18], ...-*De aceea Poporul Meu va cunoaste Numele Meu _ Moise, ...-Eu vorbesc si zic: -"Iata-Ma!" _ Isaia 52/6; 65/1; _ Romania 10/20; _ Ioan 4/[25],26.
Posted by: Moise / Mesia / Messiah | 04/05/2012 at 07:19 AM
_ "Transfiguration" _ Matthew 17/[1],2,3,[5], ...[ _ 1 Corinthians 14/21]:
= Va rog sa presupuneti ca mesajele transmise, sunt adresate "impersonal", pentru a exclude posibilele interpretari ofensatoare, ...[totusi], ...retinand aspectul ca sunt in conformitate cu prorociile din Scripturi / Biblie, ...adica, nu sunt excluse criticile asupra "vizatilor / implicatilor" _ Apocalipsa 3/19.
= Pentru ca Scripturile au fost si ...*inca sint pecetluite* _ Daniel 12/4,9; _ Isaia 6/[8],9,10, ..."tainuite" _ Coloseni 1/26; _ Apocalipsa 10/7, ...*pana in ziua de Astazi* _ Romania 11/8, ... cei care s-au facut, [de mii de ani], “ei intre ei”:...pastori, preoti si invatatori de seama, in teologii, felurite Religii si felurite Biserici _ Mat.23/7-10, ..."conducatori si povatuitori"_ Isaia 9/16, ..."desradacinati"_ Iuda 12, ..."amagitori"_ Romania 16/18, ..."inselatori" _ 2 Petru 2/2,3; _ Ioan 15/22,[23-26], ...[iata], ...NU AU INTELES: ... _ Matei 17/2,3,[5]; _ Marcu 9/2-4; _ Luca 9/29,30; _ Deut.18/15,18; _ Faptele Ap.3/22; _ Marcu 9/7; _ Luca 9/35; _ Romania 5/14; 10/14 [?!!]; _ Ioan 14/22 [?!!], ...[si],...tot asa ...NU AU INTELES: ... _ *De ce?*, ...si ...[ sau ]...*Pentru ce se impotrivea diavolului si se certa cu el, Arhanghelul MIHAIL* _ Daniel 12/1; _ Matei 27/58; _ Iuda 9, ...{ adica, pentru Trupul Meu },...tot asa, ... nu au inteles, cum, si de ce este scris _ Romania 5/14; 10/14 -Moise; _ Isaia 52/6 –Moise -*Eu vorbesc si zic: _ Iata-Ma!*; _ Exodul 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012.
= Cei care ati inceput ..."sa vedeti", ...si/[sau] "sa auziti" _ Matei 11/5; ... *[?!] - intelegeti / pricepeti* _ Isaia 6/[8],9,[13], ...calauziti si pe aproapele, tot norodul, {_ Mat.4/16; 15/8,9; _ Luca 13/17; _ Ioan 7/12}, ...pana la marginile lumii _ Romania 10/[17],18, ...”Toate popoarele chemate” _ Isaia 55/1,6-9,[10],11,2012; _ Ioan 7/37.
=Cu stima. -Mesia _ Romania 5/14; 10/[14],17,{18}; _ Ioan 4/[25],26; 10/8,11,2012,14,[16]; _ Isaia 6/[8],9,10-[13]; 21/11,2012; -*Toate popoarele chemate* _ Isaia 55/1,6-9,[10],11,2012; _ Exodul 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012.
Posted by: Moise / Mesia / Messiah | 04/05/2012 at 08:16 AM
= _ Matei 6/10; _ *Astazi* _ Ev.1/1-3; 3/7,13,15.
=*ACUM* [_ Isaia 21/11,2012], ... sint vremurile prorocite: -*Precum in Cer asa si pe Pamant*, _ Isaia 7/14; _ Matei 1/18,21-23; _ Isaia 9/1,2,6, -*Vorbesc in pilde* _ Matei 13/34,35;
= Acest mesaj contine un *volum enorm de informatie*, ... [asa cum am mai precizat / repetat si in alte mesaje], implicit “in fond”, si in plus, prin aceea ca, cei interesati [ care pot primi si carora le este dat sa poata primi _ Mat.19/11; 7/[12],13,14, ...pentru a intelege, ar trebui sa asculte [si] toate “prorociile” lui Ioan din “corabia lui Simon(a) / {URANIA}[_ Fac.1/27] despre *Pescuirea Minunata* _ Luca 5/ [1,2],3-5, fiind vorba despre “noaptea aceasta / a acestei zile a 7-a”, dupa care urmeaza “dimineata” [_ Is.21/11,2012 -A inceput o noua Era Astrala / vezi si Sfarsitul Calendarului Maias], ...venirea zilei [_ 2 Petru 3/8] ...de odihna _ Fac.2/[1],2, ...dimineata *zilei de pe urma* _ Ioan 7/37.
= Postand aceste mesaje _ Romania 10/18, se va adeveri [si] “pilda semanatorului” _ Marcu 4/[1-7],8,[9], ...adica, "Cuvantul Meu / samanta" va incoltit si chiar "va creste", ...dar trebuie rabdare pana va incepe sa rodeasca; ... -Acum abia am semanat si samanta abia a incoltit, { -Marele proroc *URANIA* in “prorociile anterioare”, folosind expresia: [~] *-Puiul a eclozat / Oul a ciocnit*, si apoi amintind despre o alta “previziune” anterioara exprimata prin: _*Viitorul “va ajunge / a ajuns” omenirea din urma, incepand cu Marele An -2011*, ...[si], ... asa cum este scris: _ "Fecioara s-a aflat insarcinata de la Duhul Sfant" _ Matei 1/18,[ 22,23], ceea ce inseamna: _ "Dumnezeu este cu noi", ...iar daca va rog sa ascultati -*Pasul Fortunei / Predictiile Astrale facute de URANIA* pentru saptamana: 13 - 19. 11.2011, veti afla cum _ "Evenimentele / prorociile”, se traiesc / se desfasoara / evolueaza concomitent [si] in *Cer* / Stelele / Astrele / Planetele _ "Precum in cer asa si pe pamant", ...si, ...cum spuneam URANIA a vazut / prevazut / propovaduit / prorocit: -*Marte a intrat in Fecioara*, unde "va sta opt luni", ...adica, ...*Fecioara in aceasta perioada este insarcinata si va naste un Fiu* -Emanuel _ Matei 1/23; _ Isaia 7/14; 9/1,2,6, ...pentru intreaga Planeta, -*Atat de mult a iubit Dumnezeu Lumea* _ Ioan 3/14-16, ...adica, ...Scripturile se traiesc, in prezent, asa cum este scris: _ *Precum in Cer asa si pe pamant* _ Matei 6/10,[11,12], ...implicand *concomitenta evolutiei Fenomenelor Astrale - Transfigurate / traite pe Pamant*, ... acum, de fapt, fiind vremurile hotarite / prorocite: _ Isaia 9/1,2,6; _ Ev.1/1,2,[3,4]; _ Isaia 21/11,2012; _ Exodul 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012], ...toate acestea fiind prevazute [~1920] si de “marele prevazator” INDIAN –Sundar SINGH, care in finalul “previziunilor despre Poporul Roman / Romania”, a prezis:
-*Aceasta se va intampla tocmai in ajunul unor planuri de dominatie prin care se va urmari suprematia asupra intregii planete.*
= Cu stima. –Mesia _ Ioan 4/[25],26; _ Ev.1/1,2,[3]; _ Romania 5/14; 10/14-Moise],17,{18}; _ Exodul 3/14; 4/1,[10],11,2012.
Posted by: Moise / Mesia / Messiah | 04/05/2012 at 10:31 AM
Aight, Moses. Or Jesus. Or whoever the fuck you think you are. You were fun for about five minutes, but you're obviously a one-trick pony with too much time on your hands.
Feel free to go away and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Oh, and it'll be locked from now on.
Posted by: Geds | 04/05/2012 at 11:47 AM
Seems pretty ungrateful of him. Janet and I put a lot of time into those translations and all he does is demand more.
Posted by: The Everlasting Dave | 04/05/2012 at 03:07 PM
I know, right? And he's not even going for Dennis Markuze-esque death threats. I think. Maybe.
True story: I was in a meeting all morning and didn't even look at my phone. I got out and checked and there were three freaking emails with notifications that this jackwagon has posted more gibberish. That went with the two that I got when I woke up this morning. And I'm guessing the have fuck-all to do with this post, since he apparently stalked me from a comment I made over at Bruce's place.
Posted by: Geds | 04/05/2012 at 04:02 PM